Newsletter No 1/2015
03:41(GMT +7)
* Signing Ceremony for the Arrangement on Technical Collaboration in the field of OSH between National Institute of Labor Protection and Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency phase 2015-2018 | 1 |
* Co-operation activities between NILP and KOSHA in 2014 | 3 |
* The Signing Ceremony on the “Cooperative programme in education and research on occupational safety and health” | 4 |
* Research on assessment of work safety using mechanical – electrical equipment for agriculture in the southern provinces, and propose some solutions to minimizing working accidents | 5 |
* Vietnam General Confederation of Labor gathered opinions on regulations for preventing occupational accidents and diseases in the Draft of OSH Act | 8 |
* Launching the 17th National Week on Occupational Safety&Health, Fire&Explosion Prevention and Control, 2015 | 10 |
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