Signing ceremony of the project Coorperation agreemet

Saturday, 02/12/2023, 09:18(GMT +7)

on asbestos OHSresearch and information in Vietnam enterprises between NILP and APHEDA

On Tuesday morning February 9, 2010, at the headquarter of National Institute of Labour Protection (NILP) (99 Tran Quoc Toan Str, Hanoi), the signing ceremony between NILP and APHEDA for the project “Coorperation agreemet on asbestos OHSresearch and information in Vietnam enterprises” financed by AuSAID had took place under the witness of Vice president of VGCL Mr. Hoang Ngoc Thanh, VGCL’s International Affairs Department and all the leaders from NILP.

Since 2004, being the very first date of coordination between NILP and APHEDA, up to now the two organizations have been conducting many coordinated projects. Although the scale and budget for each project have been limited and conducted in very short time, all the coordinated projects are effective and brought practical benefits for employees and grass roots unions.

In 2009, NILP and APHEDA had proposed many ideas for new projects in order to mobilize international sponsors to promote OHSresearch and propaganda activities for Vietnamese enterprises. One of those projects has been financed by Ausaid innovationa FUNDwith its core content of researching and exchanging information on OHSfor asbestos-related Vietnam enterprises. The project lasts for 12 months with many activities such as hosting international seminars, conducting typical researches, organizing asbestos-related training courses. Budget for the project is 22,500 AuSD.

Prof.Dr. Le Van Trinh – General Director on behalf of NILP and Mr. Phillip Hazelton – APHEDA Representative for Mekong region had officially signed project agreement.

(Source: Report and Photo byVKandQC)