Conference on EU Labour Law

Saturday, 02/12/2023, 09:19(GMT +7)

The European Commission is organising a conference on EU Labour Law in Brussels on 21 October 2013. The conference will give an opportunity to obtain feedback from stakeholders and engage with them in an open public debate about future priorities in the field of labour law.

It will bring together representatives of national ministries, of European and national social partner organisations, of the European Institutions, of the European Economic and Social Committee, of the International Labour Organisation, experts and practitioners from all over the EU.

In 2006, the Commission launched a debate on how to modernise labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century. It underlined the need to work towards inclusive and flexible labour markets. Since then, the Commission has taken several initiatives towards a suitable, proactive labour law framework.

In the meantime, an economic and financial crisis of unknown proportions has put labour market rules across the EU under a severe challenge. It is now high time to reflect on the results achieved and on the way forward in the light of these challenges.

The conference will pursue two main objectives:

  • Disseminate and obtain feedback from key stakeholders about forthcoming initiatives and/or recent policy evaluations by the Commission
  • Engage stakeholders in an open public debate about future priorities of the Commission in the field of EU labour law.

The conference will be organised around 3 main streams:

  • Stream I – A decent work agenda: tackling vulnerability of undeclared workers and stepping up cooperation at EU level
  • Stream II – Fighting segmentation of labour markets: the legal EU acquis and the single open-ended contract
  • Stream III – Managing and anticipating change: the role of information and consultation rights.

For more information about the conference please contact:

(Source: )