Study on implementation of some occupational health and safety policies for health workers

Saturday, 02/12/2023, 09:59(GMT +7)

Nguyen Thi Lien Huong1, Nguyen Thi Hong Tu2, Nguyen Bich Diep3
1:Cục Y tế dự phòng và Môi trường
2: Viện Y học lao động và Vệ sinh môi trường
1. Background: Health workers are people who work in a specific environment and have to face many risk factors. However, the proportion of health workers accessing occupational health services is not high and working environment of many health care facilities is polluted.
2. Objective: To assess the implementation of some occupational heatlh and safety policies for health workers.
3. Methodology: Cross-sectional study.
4. Sample size: 9,437 health care workers of 132 health care facilities.
5. Duration of study: March 2004 – September 2006.
6. Results: All health care facilities provided PPE for health workers which did not meet fully the need and work requirement. The proportion of health workers received periodical medical check-up (17.4%) and occupational disease examination (10.5%) was still low. More than 50% of health care facilities did not organize training on occupational health and safety. Providing toxic and dangerous allowance for health workers was done in 63% of medical therapy facilities and 75% of medical preventive facilities . 
7. Conclusion: Some occupational health and safety policies were well carried out in health care facilities such as providing PPE, toxic and dangerous allowance and health insurance for heatlh workers. However, not many health care faciliites implemented periodical health check-up, occupational disease examination, training on occupational health and safety for health workers.
8. Recommendation: Str

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