Workshop on the national information network for occupational safety and health – explosion & fire prevention

Saturday, 02/12/2023, 09:18(GMT +7)

The 13th workshop on the national information network for occupational safety and health and explosion & fire prevention was jointly held in Thai Nguyen City on November 27, 2009 by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health in collaboration and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour.

It was attended by Doan Minh Hoa, Head of the Occupational Safety and Health Department, Tran Thi Lien, Vice Director of the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health, Vu Manh Hung, Vice Director of the National Institute of Labour Protection, and representatives of the Departments of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of several provinces and cities across the country.

The annual workshop aimed to provide up-to-date information on occupational safety and health and explosion & fire prevention and to promote operational links between network members and international media organisations so as to improve the working conditions, prevent and minimise labour accidents and occupational diseases.

Delegates reviewed the operation of the OSH information network in 2009 and worked out future development orientations. They exchanged views and put forward proposals to improve the operational efficiency and quality of the network.

In 2009, the network launched communication campaigns on OSH via the media, ran training courses for more than 13,000 learners to improve their building capacity, upgraded the archive system, organised and participated in workshops to share information and experiences in OSH with international organisations and countries around the world. It successfully organised the National Week on OSH and Explosion & Fire Prevention, awarded outstanding businesses, and worked with relevant parties to host competitions on OSH in localities and businesses.

However, there remained some difficulties in its operation. The provision and sharing of information between its members and key agencies was not prompt and frequent; information detailing the OSH work meeting international standards and the corporate social responsibility was limited. In addition, there was a lack of communications equipment and personnel at grassroots level.

To develop the network, it is necessary to renovate its operational mechanism to increase coordination, share information between its network members; expand operation; update data online on OSH; diversify communications activities; increase the applications of the latest information technology on communications; enhance communications and training capacity for localities and enterprises, build safety culture; increase international cooperation and share experiences in OSH.

The NILP, which is one of the key agencies of the network, attaches great importance to maintaining the operation of the network. In addition to communications and training activities, in 2009 the institute conducted a number of research projects on OSH at the ministerial- and grassroots level, and a State-level research project.

In the coming years, the institute will pay due attention to putting these research projects into practice to protect the environment, improve the living and working environment, care for and protect employees’ health. Particularly, it will actively implement virtual reality project to increase the capacity of the national information network on OSH and environmental protection.

On this occasion, a draft programme on OSH for the 2011-2015 period was introduced at the workshop, setting several major goals as follows:

– 100% of employees who are certified to fall victims to labour accidents and occupational diseases will be treated and provided with healthcare and rehabilitation services. 100% of employees who are certified to work in hazardous environment enjoy preferential treatment as stipulated by the law.

– On average more than 20 percent of employees who work in hazardous environment and do the job requiring strict observation of OSH regulations, as well as OSH officials, will attend training courses on OSH.

– At least 80 percent of labour accidents in businesses and workshops will be investigated and dealt with.

At the workshop, delegates acknowledged the recorded achievements and efforts made by relevant agencies and members of the network. However, there remain challenges lying ahead, and to overcome them, it requires close cooperation and assistance from ministries, sectors, localities, businesses and especially international organisations. It’s hoped we will meet the goals and firmly move forward during the integration process.

(Source: K.Dung)