Applying heat stress evaluation by PSI index in the microclimate laboratory

Saturday, 02/12/2023, 09:59(GMT +7)

Experimental study is conducted in 30 students (15 male and 15 female) in the microclimate laboratory. Changes in the rectal temperature, heartbeat and physiological strain index (PSI) are recorded when the study groups exercise with an average working burden at the temperature of 36 ± 10C, dry heat of 45 ± 5% and humid heat of 85 ± 5. Results of the study show that in the humid heat, the average rectal temperature of the study groups is higher than in the dry heat (p<0.05). In the humid heat and dry heat, the changes in the average heartbeat of the study groups are similar. However, in the humid heat, the average heartbeat of the study groups is higher than in the dry heat. The heartbeat differences in these environmental conditions have statistical significance with p<0.05. With similar (average) working burden, in the humid heat, the PSI increases more rapidly than in the dry heat, with 3.8 and 3.1 respectively, equivalent to the low heat burden.

The article was published in the Safety – Health & Working Environment numbers 1, 2 & 3/2013 of the National Institute of Labour Protection.

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