Application of hydro-automatic gravitational backwashing filter for supplying water in rural area, improving living condition and protecting employees’ health

Saturday, 02/12/2023, 10:04(GMT +7)

MSc. Bui Hong Quang
(Nationa Institute of Labour Protection)
The hydro-automatic gravitational backwashing filter (HGF) has been studied, calculated and designed and it can be transferred in to an equipment model that can be produced at workshop. The equipment formats and assembles under module type in order to be easy to transport and assemble at work area. The HGF does not need worker and complicated auto equipment for controlling both operating and washing processes. Therefore it can reduce operating cost and increase efficiency of wastewater treatment plant. Water quality of some HGF, which have been supplied for some villages, can achieve the standard of MOH (Ministry of Health) (1329/2002/BYT/QĐ), safety for human health. HGF is suitable for small and medium supplied water plants in rural, midland, mountainous area. HGF can also supply water plants for households, agricultures and small industries.

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