Process of pesticides decomposition in place by using combination of chemical and biological methods

Saturday, 02/12/2023, 10:04(GMT +7)

 Advanced oxidation processes are oxidative decomposition process based on the *HO active hydroxyl radicals, they are formed in this process. Based on advantages in removing organic contaminants, especially Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP), advanced oxidation processes of *HO be viewed as a “key echo” to solving the challenge of centuries for the water and wastewater processing industry today. Biological treatment of wastewater after advanced oxidation process using activated sludge to low BOD or COD value will help the process to meet the discharge standard with a processing time not too long.

The article was published in the Safety – Health & Working Environment numbers 1, 2 & 3/2013 of the National Institute of Labour Protection.

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